New Planet – Tread Lightly Ale

New Planet is a company built with two main goals; to produce an excellent Gluten Free Beer and to give back to our environment and communities. Owner Pedro Gonzalez, in my opinion, is doing a great job at both! Now let me be very up front and tell you that I am a dark beer drinker, which New Planet does not YET make, I’ll keep pushing for Pedro to make one. For now, New Planet makes gluten free light ale beers and the beer I tried today was Tread Lightly Ale. TLA is as its name says, light. Made with sorghum, corn extract, orange peel, hops and yeast; it is light with a sweet hoppy finish. The beer has a bit more mouth feel than other gluten free light beers. If you want a beer to go with a light flavor; we had a Thai rice noodle salad, it would also go well with fish, this is an excellent beer for you. Although I am a dark beer drinker, I will drink this beer from time to time when a light beer is the right fit. Well done New Planet.

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